A Glance at Milk from Quran Point of View

A Glance at Milk from Quran Point of View
Using animal milk dates back to prehistory area and also the time when animal domesticated by human.
In Holy Book, milk is manifestation of cleanness, freshness, truth and life- giving and revitalizing symbol. Both milk and honey is manifestation of fertility and frequency of bleedings.
“Milk” in Holy Quran:
وَإِنَّ لَكُمْ فِي الْأَنْعَامِ لَعِبْرَةً نُسْقِيكُم مِمَّا فِي بُطُونِهِ مِن بَيْنِ فَرْثٍ وَدَمٍ لَّبَناً خَالِصاً سَائِغاً لِلشَّارِبِينَ
“There are good lessons for you when you think to the existence and nature of animals. We offer you to drink pure and fresh milk of animals from their stomachs and from among myriads of digested foods.” (Makarem Shirazi, 1992)
In this verse, the Holy Quran has said: “Milk is produced from the food digested in body. The digested food is turned into blood and then, milk is created from blood, which has neither blood color nor taste and flavor of blood. This act i.e. turning blood to milk has been accepted by all researchers and also they have confirmed it unanimously.”
Also, the Almighty God considers “milk” as a heavenly drink of paradise:
«مَثَلُ الْجَنَّةِ الَّتِي وُعِدَ الْمُتَّقُونَ فِيهَا أَنْهَارٌ مِنْ ماءٍ غَيْرِ آسِنٍ وَأَنْهارٌ مِنْ لَبَنٍ لَمْ يَتَغَيَّرْ طَعْمُهُ…» (محمد/15)
All believers and pious have been promised to drink milk in gutters and brooks of paradise with transparent water without any taste change.
There is a narration in interpretation of Al-Mizan: “When grass is entered stomach of animal, its bottom part is called “surging”, its middle part is called “milk” and its upper part is called “blood”. Blood is run in vessels, vascular, and milk at breast and surging remain in stomach. Therefore, milk comes to breast purely and is not mixed with any material.”
Some main elements of milk, which transform milk, are not of milk properties; rather, their origin is due to contents of intestine. Stating that food is turned into blood and blood is turned into milk, is a simple common subject. From scientific point of view, it should be said that milk is a blood product which has absorbed elements and materials from contents of tripe (paunch)
Milk in Traditions and Narrations
The Holy Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad (S) said: “Drinking milk is manifestation of belief and credence. Milk is bestowed to you. Milk removes temperature from your body. As your finger wards off sweat and perspiration from forehead, drinking g milk will enhance power of thinking and varnish your genius and talent and removes amnesia and oblivion.”
The Holy Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad said: “The Almighty God did not send any pain and agony, unless, a treatment method has also been sent. Milk of cow can treat any pain and ache.”
Elsewhere in his remarks, the Holy Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad said: “Cow milk has been bestowed to you. Milk of cow heals any pain and ache.”
Imam Ali (AS) said: “Drinking milk can heal any pain except death.”
Elsewhere in his remarks, Imam Ali (AS) said: “Cow milk heals and acts as a medicine and drug.”
Imam Sadiq (AS) said: “Cow milk is haler of any diseases.”
A person came with Imam Sadiq (AS) and said: “O’ my dear Imam, I feel weakness in my body.” At this time, Imam said to him: “I recommend you to drink milk, because, milk helps meat to grow and strengthen bone.”
Also, the Imam said: “I searched nothing except milk for healing sore throat.”
Drinking milk does not incur any harm to human body. If any harm is observed, it is due to other things that are eaten along with milk.one person came to Imam Sadiq and said: “When I drank milk, I felt fainted and became ill.”
In response to his question, Imam Sadiq said: “Milk does not hurt you. Certainly, you have drunk milk with other thing and this food has made you ill. In general, drinking milk is harmless.”
Breast Milk / Mother’s Milk
Breast milk in feeding infant constitutes important part of natural life of woman. An infant who is feeding milk in mother’s hug, newly born baby looks at mother’s face directly and compassionate and affable looks of mother has engulfed infant.
Avicenna in his famous “Qanoon” Book pointed to the significance of mother’s milk and said: “Mother’s milk is better than any other milk for infant, because, mother’s milk is rich in a substance named “immunoglobulin” which is useful for diarrhea and vomiting (nausea).”
In early August 1990, World Health Organization (WHO) in cooperation with UNICEF signed a statement in continuation of disseminating and supporting feeding with breast milk.
Duration of Breastfeeding
The Holy Book considered breastfeeding for a period of two years. Some physicians were of the opinion that this period should be set nine months, but in 1993, it was announced that of breastfeeding is set two years, it is better and complete.
Breastfeeding Duration Based on Verses of Holy Quran
Based on Verse 233 of Baqara Surah, it should be noted that feeding infant for two years is not compulsory. That is to say that completion of breastfeeding can be decided at the will of mother. Child can be separated from breastfeeding at any time desired.”
Some commentator such as Ibn-e Abbas is of the opinion that breastfeeding for two years is not fixed for any newly born baby. This time i.e. two years is related to a child who is born in his or her six-month period i.e. earlier than the set 9-month period.
Allameh Tabatabaei (1987) concluded from merging two verses of Holy Quran and said: “Six months is set the minimum delivery period. With deducing two- year period from thirty months, minimum pregnancy period is set six months and maximum breastfeeding, according to jurisprudent verdict, is set 24 months.”
“If a child remained in mother’s womb in seven, eight or nine months the minimum breastfeeding after childbirth stands at 23, 22 and 21 months respectively.”
Imam Sadiq (AS) said: “The compulsory period for breastfeeding is 21 months. So, if women fed child less than the said period, she has failed in performing religious obligation. Feeding child for two years is suitable and logical.” (Hor Ameli, 1995, Vo. 21)
Using animal milk dates back to prehistory area and also the time when animal domesticated by human.
In Holy Book, milk is manifestation of cleanness, freshness, truth and life- giving and revitalizing symbol. Both milk and honey is manifestation of fertility and frequency of bleedings.
“Milk” in Holy Quran:
وَإِنَّ لَكُمْ فِي الْأَنْعَامِ لَعِبْرَةً نُسْقِيكُم مِمَّا فِي بُطُونِهِ مِن بَيْنِ فَرْثٍ وَدَمٍ لَّبَناً خَالِصاً سَائِغاً لِلشَّارِبِينَ
“There are good lessons for you when you think to the existence and nature of animals. We offer you to drink pure and fresh milk of animals from their stomachs and from among myriads of digested foods.” (Makarem Shirazi, 1992)
In this verse, the Holy Quran has said: “Milk is produced from the food digested in body. The digested food is turned into blood and then, milk is created from blood, which has neither blood color nor taste and flavor of blood. This act i.e. turning blood to milk has been accepted by all researchers and also they have confirmed it unanimously.”
Also, the Almighty God considers “milk” as a heavenly drink of paradise:
«مَثَلُ الْجَنَّةِ الَّتِي وُعِدَ الْمُتَّقُونَ فِيهَا أَنْهَارٌ مِنْ ماءٍ غَيْرِ آسِنٍ وَأَنْهارٌ مِنْ لَبَنٍ لَمْ يَتَغَيَّرْ طَعْمُهُ…» (محمد/15)
All believers and pious have been promised to drink milk in gutters and brooks of paradise with transparent water without any taste change.
There is a narration in interpretation of Al-Mizan: “When grass is entered stomach of animal, its bottom part is called “surging”, its middle part is called “milk” and its upper part is called “blood”. Blood is run in vessels, vascular, and milk at breast and surging remain in stomach. Therefore, milk comes to breast purely and is not mixed with any material.”
Some main elements of milk, which transform milk, are not of milk properties; rather, their origin is due to contents of intestine. Stating that food is turned into blood and blood is turned into milk, is a simple common subject. From scientific point of view, it should be said that milk is a blood product which has absorbed elements and materials from contents of tripe (paunch)
Milk in Traditions and Narrations
The Holy Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad (S) said: “Drinking milk is manifestation of belief and credence. Milk is bestowed to you. Milk removes temperature from your body. As your finger wards off sweat and perspiration from forehead, drinking g milk will enhance power of thinking and varnish your genius and talent and removes amnesia and oblivion.”
The Holy Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad said: “The Almighty God did not send any pain and agony, unless, a treatment method has also been sent. Milk of cow can treat any pain and ache.”
Elsewhere in his remarks, the Holy Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad said: “Cow milk has been bestowed to you. Milk of cow heals any pain and ache.”
Imam Ali (AS) said: “Drinking milk can heal any pain except death.”
Elsewhere in his remarks, Imam Ali (AS) said: “Cow milk heals and acts as a medicine and drug.”
Imam Sadiq (AS) said: “Cow milk is haler of any diseases.”
A person came with Imam Sadiq (AS) and said: “O’ my dear Imam, I feel weakness in my body.” At this time, Imam said to him: “I recommend you to drink milk, because, milk helps meat to grow and strengthen bone.”
Also, the Imam said: “I searched nothing except milk for healing sore throat.”
Drinking milk does not incur any harm to human body. If any harm is observed, it is due to other things that are eaten along with milk.one person came to Imam Sadiq and said: “When I drank milk, I felt fainted and became ill.”
In response to his question, Imam Sadiq said: “Milk does not hurt you. Certainly, you have drunk milk with other thing and this food has made you ill. In general, drinking milk is harmless.”
Breast Milk / Mother’s Milk
Breast milk in feeding infant constitutes important part of natural life of woman. An infant who is feeding milk in mother’s hug, newly born baby looks at mother’s face directly and compassionate and affable looks of mother has engulfed infant.
Avicenna in his famous “Qanoon” Book pointed to the significance of mother’s milk and said: “Mother’s milk is better than any other milk for infant, because, mother’s milk is rich in a substance named “immunoglobulin” which is useful for diarrhea and vomiting (nausea).”
In early August 1990, World Health Organization (WHO) in cooperation with UNICEF signed a statement in continuation of disseminating and supporting feeding with breast milk.
Duration of Breastfeeding
The Holy Book considered breastfeeding for a period of two years. Some physicians were of the opinion that this period should be set nine months, but in 1993, it was announced that of breastfeeding is set two years, it is better and complete.
Breastfeeding Duration Based on Verses of Holy Quran
Based on Verse 233 of Baqara Surah, it should be noted that feeding infant for two years is not compulsory. That is to say that completion of breastfeeding can be decided at the will of mother. Child can be separated from breastfeeding at any time desired.”
Some commentator such as Ibn-e Abbas is of the opinion that breastfeeding for two years is not fixed for any newly born baby. This time i.e. two years is related to a child who is born in his or her six-month period i.e. earlier than the set 9-month period.
Allameh Tabatabaei (1987) concluded from merging two verses of Holy Quran and said: “Six months is set the minimum delivery period. With deducing two- year period from thirty months, minimum pregnancy period is set six months and maximum breastfeeding, according to jurisprudent verdict, is set 24 months.”
“If a child remained in mother’s womb in seven, eight or nine months the minimum breastfeeding after childbirth stands at 23, 22 and 21 months respectively.”
Imam Sadiq (AS) said: “The compulsory period for breastfeeding is 21 months. So, if women fed child less than the said period, she has failed in performing religious obligation. Feeding child for two years is suitable and logical.” (Hor Ameli, 1995, Vo. 21)