Everything about Kefir Everything about Kefir

Everything about Kefir Kefir is a fermented drink obtained from milk which is originated from Caucasian mountains in Russia. Kefir drink is used in Russia in order to cure or prevent some diseases. From therapeutic and nutritional point of view, it is consumed in most regions across world including southwest Asian nations, Northern and Eastern Europe, North America and Japan. Kefir has been developed and used vastly in USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republic, former Russia, Hungary, and the Netherlands and it is known in Sweden, Norway, Germany and Finland. Kefir is also enjoyed considerable growth in Egypt, Australia and Brazil, America and Japan. Based on some hypotheses, Kefir was first discovered by nomad Caucasian shepherds as a result of fermentation of afresh milk which was carrying in their leather container.  Earlier, Kefir was attributed to its therapeutic and medicinal properties in Caucasian mountains. Sour acid flavor and energizing properties of Kefir is its salient specifications and is considered as an optimal dairy drink. Concentration and firmness of Kefir is diluted similar to yogurt. Sourness and fat of Kefir is enjoyable than can be consumed and mixed along with honey and other fruits. Nutritional Specifications Kefir is a famous and well-known drink in Middle East and is a diet for individuals suffering from non- toleration of lactose which is able to digest a large volume of lactose. Consequently, degree of lactose and beta galactosidise in Kefir is decreased and increased respectively due to fermentation. Proteins available in Kefir are digested to some extent and autolysis themselves in body easily. Tryptophan is a necessary amino acid in Kefir which affects nervous system. Also, Kefir is considered as a drinkable yogurt and an energizer product as well as a natural probiotic. Kefir helps cellular growth, preservation and activity using carbohydrates, fats and proteins. High nutritional and health value of Kefir is numerous. Therefore, Kefir is recommended to be used for children, adults, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, old people and patients suffering from lack of tolerance of lactose. Patients hospitalized in hospitals in Russia are given Kefir drink everyday which is common and ordinary. Nowadays, pregnant women who gave birth to a child are encouraged to drink Kefir and in most cases, Kefir is used as a child food for Russian children who have been newly separated from mothers’ milk. Microbial Initiators Kefir microorganisms are non- pathogenic, positive and negative warm and cold antibacterial and many fungi which have competitive effect on snit- salmonella. Kefir microorganisms reduce activity of excrement enzymes in intestinal system. Many Kefir bacteria are not similar to bacteria available in yogurt, while yeasts produce carbon dioxide. Other bacteria produce a viscosity gum which turns all microorganisms into a gelatin pieces. A great amount of lactobacillus and sarcomeres are used for production of Kefir. In some resources, Kefir is known as fermented products as a result of milk and lactobacillus. Kefir Seeds Kefir seeds are a mixture of useful bacteria (lactobacillus, lacto caucus, loconostock and stobacter) and fermentations (lactose fermentation and no lactose fermentation) with polysaccharides. Apparently, Kefir seeds are similar to a cauliflower pieces as diameter as 3- 20 ml. seeds are similar to white gelatin or yellow- color particles, combined from 13% protein with dried weight and 24% polysaccharides. Any milk transfer or transport in temperature of room or in 22 degrees of centigrade will lead to instability of cultured Kefir seeds. Microbial combination of Kefir seed includes lactobacillus, streptococcus, lactic acid and fermentation (yeast) which is counted in two cultures weekly and for a period of seven week. Kefir seeds have permanent properties of growth and reproduction, so that their population will always remain stable and fixed. Combinations of kefir seeds are susceptible to some cases and their population will be declined if touched them, the most important of which are as follows: 1- metals, 2 light, 3- temperature, etc. it should be noted that Kefir seed is not accessible easily and is very expensive. Kefir Nutritional- Chemical Combination Kefir is rich in vitamins, minerals, and necessary amino acids and protein with the capability of easy digestion which helps boost health condition of individual. Also, Kefir is rich in vitamin “B12’ and vitamin “B1”, amino acids, methionine, folic acid, vitamin “K”, magnesium, phosphor and copper which helps autolysis (self erosion) of carbohydrates, fats, proteins and growth of cells and generation of energy. Lactic acid, carbon dioxide, along with aromatics such as di-acetyl is major constituents of Kefir during fermentation. Kefir product is an extract of lactobacillus Kefir no fascine which can be found across Kefir seed and its center to a great extent. It should be noted that lactobacillus population of Kefir is found only in small part of surface layer. Combination of Kefir is changeable and is not specified clearly and is related to the source of milk fat, combination of seeds or culture environment and technology of processing kefir. Kefir Traditional Processing Kefir is produced by seeds of Kefir and cultures of Kefir using fermentation of milk. Kefir is made of milks cow, goat, sheep, coconut, soya and cocoa. There are several criteria for selection of milk such as pasteurized, full fat, low fat, skimmed milk or milk top. Goat milk is popular milk for production of Kefir which is highly welcomed. Kefir Industrial Processing In traditional processing, Kefir is produced with adding Kefir seeds. Raw mil is first boiled and it is cooled up to 20- 25 degrees of centigrade and 10 – 20 percent (generally 5%) of Kefir seed is added to it. After a period of 18 – 24 hour fermentation, Kefir is separated by a filter and a strainer at the temperature of 20 – 25 degrees of centigrade. Then, it is cooled and is stored in cold temperature. Kefir is put at the temperature of four degrees of centigrade and is readied to be used after awhile.

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 Deficiency of Vitamin D an Effective Factor in Outbreak of MS Deficiency of Vitamin D an Effective Factor in Outbreak of MS

Deficiency of Vitamin “D”, an Effective Factor in Outbreak of MS (Multiple Sclerosis) A veteran Neurologist Dr. Mo’tamed in an interview said: “Main cause behind outbreak of MS (Multiple Sclerosis) is not yet known accurately but environmental factors contribute to the outbreak of the disease, including affliction to some viruses or obesity and also in terms of food nourishment, deficiency of vitamin “D”, etc.” He reiterated: “MS may be appeared in some countries especially Scandinavia which sun is rarely found due to its climatic conditions.” Deficiency of vitamin “D” in these countries is more prevalent. On the contrary, prevalence of MS is less in countries which are located near Equator and continental regions. In a study made on patients suffering MS (Multiple Sclerosis), it was found that these patients enjoy less estrogen level of vitamin “D”. For this purpose, vitamin “D” is recommended to patients suffering from MS.” He further noted that vitamin “D” plays an important role in various mechanisms in different reactions in body and making brain white material is one of the main tasks of vitamin “D”. Omega 3, Omega 6, and Safety of Athletes Severe and tense physical activities are led to creation of unpleasant changes in safety parameters such as total leucocyte, lymphocytes count, etc. and these changes vary dependent on severity of sports activity and its duration. Generally speaking, heavy sports activities are followed up with increased oxidative stress, instigation of inflammatory system, and changes in bronchitis level and respiratory ways. In each of two aeration and anaerobic sports, production of active species of oxygen and nitrogen (RNOS) is increased. This oxidative stress causes weakness of body antioxidant defense and oxidation in body sensitive tissues. Hereunder are major complications of oxidative stress: disorder in production of muscular power, disorder in recovery after doing sports activity and finally, acute and chronic inflammation. The athletes who carry out heavy and severe sports exercises are diagnosed with upper respiratory system infections one and two weeks after doing exercise. This state can be coincided with respiratory and bronchitis disorder which is known as Exercise Bronchitis (EIB). Changes in Sports Activity Most professional sportsmen and athletes face with severe pains during permanent and continuous exercises. Moreover, some amateur athletes also face with pain due to doing very heavy exercise. These chronic pains are the ache that athlete fells in each time of doing exercise especially doing continuous exercises. These pains are due to the pressures incurred to various body organs during exercise and cause athletes fail to continue exercise for a long period. Most athletes have to take anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and naproxen which have unknown complications. Moreover chronic pains, destruction of protein of muscular fibers during exercise will cause considerable slump in performance of athletes. Increased inflammatory state even intensifies protein destruction and causes postponement of recovery period of athletes. To reduce inflammation, which is main origin of unwanted and inappropriate complications, suitable and proper nutritional strategies can be sought. Moreover soothing inflammation, pain and analysis of functional power will cause prevention of outbreak of these complications as well. With prescribing a balanced food diet for athlete and adding some nutrients, not only sports efficiency can be increased after doing sport activity, but also athlete can be immunized from complications of excessive consumption of anti-inflammatory drugs. Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Reducing Inflammation In general, this group of unsaturated fatty acids has anti-inflammatory properties. Several studies have shown that supplements such as Eco Zapentonic Acid (EPA) and Decoys Hexanonic acid (DHA) available in fatty fishes have increased their sports performance significantly. Use of omega 3 by athletes cause increased metabolic and cardiovascular health. Omega 3 and Methods of Improving Sports Performance These fatty acids can enhance and improve performance of athletes: 1) increase of consumption of fat and reduce muscular analysis, 2) reducing effects of inflammation and production of inflammatory intermediates, 3) reducing trauma as a result of acceleration of improvement of ills and acceleration of reconstruction of muscles, 4) treatment and/or prevention of bronchitis as a result of sports activity, 5) reduction of cardiovascular diseases among athletes, 6) increase of contraction power of muscular fibers and reduction of hardness of muscles,. If omega-3 fatty acids are added to diet of athlete sufficiently, the said objectives can be materialized. Omega- 3 Resources Consumption of fish, which is the important rich resources of omega- 3 fatty acids especially DHA, can control inflammation as a result of heavy sports exercise and its subsequent pain. Hereunder are regarded as the most important animal and herbal resources rich in omega- 3 fatty acids: fatty fish such as salmon, tuna fish, salmon, seed of cotton, oil of cotton seed, and vegetables with dark- green leaves, and canola oil Omega-6 Fatty Acids and Inflammation-Yielding Fats Unlike omega-3 fatty acids, omega- 6 fatty acids can cause increased inflammation, spasm, vascular contraction and thrombosis hike and also blood coagulation. Oxidative stress and inflammation created during exercise is intensified with the consumption of omega- 6 fatty acids. Omega- 6 Resources Hereunder are regarded as the most important resources for omega- 6 fatty acids: most herbal oils used in cooking such as sunflower, soya and cotton seed. Best Ratio of Omega- 3 and Omega- 6 Value of receiving omega-6 fatty acid is 10 fold more than that of omega- 3 fatty acid. As mentioned in above, omega- 3 and omega-6 fatty acids have direct relationship with inflammation. It is obvious that these two unsaturated fatty acids should be taken into consideration in a healthy diet for athletes. Several studies have shown that ratio of omega- 3 fatty acids should be increased in order to reduce and control inflammation among athletes and also acceleration of muscular reconstruction after doing exercise and in return, consumption of omega- 6 should be decreased. 1:2 ratio is the best ratio of omega- 6 to omega- 3 fatty acids. For most athletes, general manual for consumption of omega- 3 fatty acid (DHA and EPA) is two gram/day. Therefore, athletes are better to increase consumption of fish species such as salmon, tuna fish, and herbal resources rich in omega -3. Since omega- 3 fatty acids are “unsaturated” and are more prone to oxidation, it is better to consume it with solution antioxidant supplements such as vitamin “E”.

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Probiotics, Useful and Fruitful Bacteria Probiotics, Useful and Fruitful Bacteria

Probiotics, Useful and Fruitful Bacteria!!! With the progress of human communities, attaining top science and technologies in food industries in particular, role of nutrition and food nourishment is a factor for safeguarding survival and removal of body’s required energy. In other words, role of nutrition has currency changed for boosting health and helps treatment of various diseases. Probiotic is a word which has been vastly used in many medical studies. What is probiotic? Probiotic is a Greek word which is meant “For Life”. World Health Organization (WHO) defines this terminology for live microorganisms. Not only “probiotic” is not considered as pathogen, but also it will help improve health of host. “Probiotic” includes various types of bacteria, fungus and fermentation. Human intestine includes almost 100 trillion live bacteria that generate intestine microbial fleur. These bacteria include useful and harmful types. Useful bacteria have an important role in production of body’s required compounds such as vitamins “B” and “K”, short chain fatty acids, amino acids and various antioxidants and also control of growth of detrimental bacteria and fighting with infections and pathogenic factors. ( Probiotics are microorganisms that are believed to provide health benefits when consumed. The term probiotic is currently used to name ingested microorganisms associated with beneficial effects to humans and animals. Introduction of the concept is generally attributed to Nobel Prize recipient Élie Metchnikoff, who in 1907 suggested that “the dependence of the intestinal microbes on the food makes it possible to adopt measures to modify the flora in our bodies and to replace the harmful microbes by useful microbes”. A significant expansion of the potential market for probiotics has led to higher requirements for scientific substantiation of putative beneficial effects conferred by the microorganisms. Studies on the medical benefits of probiotics have yet to reveal a cause-effect relationship, and their medical effectiveness has yet to be conclusively proven for most of the studies conducted thus far. Commonly claimed benefits of probiotics include the decrease of potentially pathogenic gastro-intestinal microorganisms; the reduction of gastro-intestinal discomfort; the strengthening of the immune system; the improvement of the skin’s function; the improvement of bowel regularity; the strengthening of the resistance to cedar pollen allergens; the decrease in body pathogens; the reduction of flatulence and bloating; the protection of DNA; the protection of proteins and lipids from oxidative damage; and the maintaining of individual intestinal macrobiotic in subjects receiving antibiotic treatment. Scientific evidence to date has been insufficient to substantiate any anti-disease claims or health benefits from consuming probiotics.) Lactobacillus and bifid and bacterium are considered as most important and salient species of probiotic bacteria. What Are the Factors Which Cause Probiotics’ Growth? When a child is born, his or her intestine lacks any bacteria. In other words, human intestine lacks any bacteria at the time of birth. Breastfeeding or mother’s milk contains compounds named bifidious which causes growth of bifid-o bacterium in infant’s intestine. For this purpose, breastfeeding is of paramount importance in strengthening infant’s immune system. Consumption of fermentable and low – digest carbohydrates will cause motivation of growth of probiotics in intestine. These carbohydrates, which are considered as suitable food source for increasing probiotics’ mass, mainly include oligosaccharides, lactulose, galactic oligosaccharides, and multi oligosaccharides. Of their food resources, it can be referred to banana, honey, asparagus, leek, garlic and onion. These nutrients, which are required for growth of probiotics, are called as Prebiotic”. Moreover, the word entitled “Symbiotic” is referred to byproducts containing a mixture of pre- and probiotics. Since some factors such as improper nutrition, consumption of antibiotics and stress causes reduced value of useful bacteria in intestine, consumption of foodstuff enriched with probiotics and/or food supplements in the form of pill, powder, etc. seem necessary. Imbalance between useful and harmful bacteria, moreover reducing health level of body, cause outbreak of diarrhea, constipation, inflammatory diseases of intestine, reduced efficiency of immune system, allergy and different types of cancers. Who Should Consume “Probiotics”? Treatment with antibiotics, moreover destruction of pathogenic factors, will cause eradication of useful bacteria, creation of gas and spasm and outbreak of diarrhea among 20 percent of patients. Entangling and disrupting osmosis balance of intestine and/or growth of detrimental bacteria named “ clostridium dyphicel ” have been cited as the main cause of diarrhea. Simultaneous consumption of probiotics during and after treatment with antibiotics is necessary for the provision of useful intestine fluorine as well as production of vitamins Group “B”. When children and adults are diagnosed with infectious diarrhea, useful intestine bacteria are increased after consumption of probiotics which will destroy pathogenic factors causing diarrhea, so that treatment span will be shortened as well. It should be noted that probiotics play their role with reducing acidity of intestine, production of antibacterial compounds and also competing in consumption of required nourishment of pathogenic factors. In other words, probiotics are tasked with reducing acidity (pH) of intestine, production of antibacterial compounds and also competing in consumption of required food of pathogenic factors. The results of studies show that with producing constructive and effective compounds, probiotics will help reduce inflammation, soothe symptoms of intestine’s inflammatory diseases and syndrome of stimulating intestine such as abdominal ache, flatulence (stomach gas), and diarrhea. In addition, probiotics help better digestion of herbal fibers resistant to digestion and increase toleration of patients to consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. Probiotics play a leading and important role in strengthening body immune system. With the creation of a barrier against entrance of pathogen factors to blood, probiotics causes reduction of acidity of intestine, production of antibacterial materials such as organic acids, bacitracin, peroxide hydrogen, etc. Moreover, probiotics cause formation of protective layers on mucus, prevent substitution of pathogenic agents, increase cells producing immunoglobulin “A”, produce cytokines, and increase phagocytosis of pathogenic factors, increase lymphocytes “T” and white globules in cellular immune system. Many people are diagnosed with some symptoms such as flatulence (stomach gas), abdominal pain and diarrhea after consumption of dairies such as milk due to the shortage of lactose enzyme. Lack of analyzing lactose or milk sugar has been cited as the main aim behind outbreak of the said symptoms. With turning lactose into lactic acid, lactobacillus can be useful in reduction of gastrointestinal complications and also increase of toleration of consumption of dairies. With establishing equilibrium and strengthening performance of gastrointestinal and digestive tract, these bacteria (probiotics) soothe constipation, diarrhea and flatulence (stomach gas). Research activities also indicate that probiotics are able to reduce absorption of allergic substances from intestines. Also, probiotics are effective in reduction of infections of urinary and genital tracts in women, reduction of risk of colon cancer and also control of helicon bacteria pylori growth. When and how much should probiotics be consumed? Probiotic supplements are effective as long as they are consumed. To create positive effects of probiotics, daily receiving of food supplements with minimum 106- colony bacteria is highly recommended by U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

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Guidance for Using Food Groups Guidance for Using Food Groups

Guidance for Using Food Groups Using four main food groups is the best possible way for ensuring of safeguarding balance and diversity in food program, i.e. bread, cereals, fruit, vegetable, milk, dairies, meat and grains. Of course, if you like not to gain weight, it is recommended not to eat more than what your body needs. Using four main food groups is the best possible way for ensuring of safeguarding balance and diversity in food program, i.e. bread, cereals, fruit, vegetable, milk, dairies, meat and grains. Bread and Grains Group Grains and bread group includes bread, rice, macaroni, and grains. This group supplies our daily maximum energy. Do not forget to make rice in steamed method, so that vitamins of steam rice will be safeguarded in water. Use bran or whole-wheat flour breads such as Sangak (a kind of Iranian bread which is baked on stone) and barley bread instead of white-color breads. To complete protein of bread and grain group, it is better to consume them in mixed form with cereals, such as lentil, split pea, bean with rice, etc. Use sprout of grains and cereals in your diet, because, sprout of grains and cereals will double absorption of food which is rich in various types of body’s required vitamins. Vegetable and Fruit Group Vegetable and fruit group includes various types of leafy or root- based vegetables coupled with colorful fruits. This group conveys various types of vitamins, minerals and fiber to our body. Tomato, bell pepper, and citrus fruits and leafy vegetable are rich in vitamin “C”. It is recommend using vitamin “C” everyday. Yellow-, orange-, red- and green-color fruits and vegetables such as spinach, carrot, tomato, cantaloupe, apricot and tangerine are rich in vitamin “A”. Fresh fruits and vegetables increases strength of body to various types of infections and will cause reconstruction and rehabilitation of wounds, vision at darkness coupled with boost skin freshness. To wash vegetable, put it in a container of 5-lit. Water after preliminary cleaning and washing. Then, add five drops of dishwashing liquid in it. After five minutes, wash vegetables completely. To disinfect vegetables, pour half a tablespoon perchlorate powder in five liters of water and leave vegetable for five minutes. Finally, wash vegetable completely and consume it. Consuming fruit after eating food will increase better absorption of iron. Daily consumption of fresh fruits and vegetable will reduce risk of cancer considerably. Food fibers which are found in fruit and vegetable group will low blood fat and also prevents from constipation. Moreover, risk of cancer will be reduced considerably. Milk and Dairies Group Milk and dairies group includes milk, yogurt, and whey (dried whey). Adults are recommended using 2-3 cups of milk or yogurt daily, otherwise, their body will lose required calcium and their bone will be decalcified in the long run. Consumption of dairies is very low among Iranians. For this purpose, most adults and adolescents are suffering from osteoporosis. Full- fat milks have high calorie and can cause you overweight. If you can, use low- fat milk (2.5 percent fat milk). If milk is not pasteurized, add small water to it and let it boil for one minute. Then, drink it with peace of mind. Keep fresh cheese in brine (salty water) for at least two months and then eat it. Before consuming any whey, add water to it. Then. Boil it for at least 5 to 10 minutes and eat it. High consumption of carbonated soft drink will entangle balance of body phosphor and calcium. Repeated drinking of carbonated soft drink will cause outbreak of osteoporosis. Group 4: Meat, Cereals and Egg Protein of egg white is very high. Even, its amount exceeds protein of meat. At any rate, protein of meat is better than protein of egg white. Before cooking meat, chicken and fish, their fat should be separated. Chicken’s skin has high fat which should be peeled out before consuming. Fat and cholesterol of brain, tongue and tripe is very high and it is recommended not to exceed consuming these materials. It is better to consume white meat like poultry and fish meat instead of consuming red meat. However, it is recommended to use poultry meat. It is also recommended to eat fish twice a week. Cholesterol of egg yolk is also high and adults are recommended not to eat more than three eggs in a week whether lonely or mixed form in Kuku (a mixture of egg with vegetables), cutlets and omelets. For boiling frozen meat, it should be cooked immediately after being taken out from refrigerator. For de- freezing meat, it should be taken out from freezer 24 hours before cooking and then, it should be kept in refrigerator. Girls and women who are experiencing growth especially children under 2 years old with anemia and iron deficiency should receive more ferrous food. The foods rich in iron include as follows: meat, liver, egg, cereals, brains, dried fruits, green- leaf vegetables such as spinach, etc. For boiling frozen meat, they should be cooked immediately after being out from freezer. Never ever drink tea one hour before eating and two hours after eating, because, drinking tea in these periods will prevent iron from being absorbed in body. Iron drop should be given to infants as of six-month old and it should last for two years. After delivery, women are recommended to use iron drop for 3 to 4 months after childbirth. Group 5: Fats and Pastries (Cookies) Adults and adolescents of this group should consume minimum pastries. Due to their high saturated fat and also high trance fatty acids, shortening oil is not recommended to be used, because, these oils are detrimental for health condition and can outbreak cardiovascular diseases. It is better to remove consumption of shortening oil from your diet and replace them with vegetable oils. On the other hand, vegetable oils are oxidized in high temperatures in a way that these oils in high temperature can cause cancer. Vegetable oils should not be exposed to the direct temperature of frying; rather, they should be poured on food such as rice and salad. To fry food, use vegetable oils special of frying. Omega- 3 fats are useful for our health and consumption of omega- 3 is recommended to all. Fish, seafood and nuts of almond and walnut are rich in omega 3. It is recommended to eat fish twice a week and/or try to consume walnut in breakfast. Keep consumable oils in a closed- cap container and also keep them away from direct sunlight. It is better to use date instead of sugar and lump sugar for drinking tea. Low- salt and gas- free dough and/or water are recommended to be replaced with carbonated soft drinks. Never ever use carbonated soft drink. To prevent from blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases, prevent from eating high amount of salt. Avoid adding salt to food at the tablecloth gathering. Choose iodine- rich salt and be careful to use purified salt for consumption. To keep iodine available in salt, store and keep in in dark-color container (salt sprayer). Keep salt shaker cap closed always. Do not place saltshaker in a wet environment and add salt to food at the end of cooking, because, it salt is used in food for a long time; its iodine will be removed. Keep in mind that using iodine- based salt is the sole way for assuring of receiving body’s required iodine and also prevention of goiter.

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Nutritional Recommendations for Passengers Nutritional Recommendations for Passengers

Nutritional Recommendations for Passengers Willy-nilly, travel crates changes in our food diet pattern. Since water and food can always be considered as source of pollution, selecting of food in trip accurately and observing hygienic and sanitary principles in providing and consuming food will help us prevent from food poisoning and problems as a result of food pollutions. Given the above issue, let’s experience a memorable trip. Health of Drinking Water: Use standard bottles of mineral water for drinking water, otherwise, boil water before drinking ALWAYS . Boiling is the best way for eradication of bacteria in water. Boil water and it is alone for a period of one minute. Let water to be cooled in temperature of room. If the above cases are observed, bacteria and parasites, causing diarrhea, will be removed. In higher heights (exceeding 2,000 meters), water is boiled in low temperature. Therefore, eradication of microbes in water will be diminished. In this state, keep water boiling for at least 3-5 minutes. Adding a partial o salt to each liter of water or pouring it from a clean container to another container will boost taste of water favorably. Avoid adding ice cube to water especially in places where you are not confident on safety of water. Avoid brushing your teeth with non- drinkable and non- sanitary water. Health and Safety of Foodstuff: Want to go restaurant, select clean, tidy and crowded restaurant ALWAYS. Never ever buy foods from street vendors. Always, wash your hand with water and soap before eating. Eat only the foods which have been cooked completely. Avoid eating half- cooked foods especially meat. If meat is grilled in thick or in large size, its central part may not be cooked or grilled well and this issue will cause outbreak of dangerous and risky diseases. Eating and consuming vegetables and salad is not recommended in restaurant. If possible, consume the fruits that you have peeled. Additional food should be put in refrigerator immediately. Never ever let food to be cooled in temperature of room. To reheat food, be confident that all its parts especially its central part has been warmed completely. To store food, always keep cooked foods separated from raw foods, otherwise, pollution is transmitted from raw to cooked foods easily. Risky- prone foods will increase food poisoning which include chicken, egg, red meat, milk and fish Be confident from healthy condition of materials and well cooking of food always. Travelling Diarrhea: Diagnosed with diarrhea while travelling is the main problem of most travelers or passengers afflict with eating contaminated food or drinking polluted water. However, most passengers are diagnosed with diarrhea while travelling. This problem can be observed mostly among youth and young strata. People who consume anti-acid drugs are more susceptible to diarrhea. Diarrhea observed during travel is healed mostly after three to seven days even without any treatment but a small number of travelers are diagnosed with continuation of diarrhea. Consuming pasteurized yogurt is useful for preventing from diarrhea, because, yogurt contains useful bacteria which can substitute in intestine and reduces growth of pathogenic bacteria. What Should One Do during Diarrhea? If you can, refer to physician before undergoing self therapy? Since diarrhea wards off water and electrolytes especially potassium and magnesium from body, use liquids as much as possible. Use ORS solution in severe diarrhea. Under such circumstances, it is recommended to eat chicken soup with steamed rice, crispy biscuit and fruits like banana. During diarrhea, avoid consumption of milk and fatty foods. Since a large volume of water is wasted from body of children during diarrhea, try to give them soup, diluted puree, etc. Never ever cut breastfeeding while infants are diagnosed with diarrhea. Some Nutritional Advices for Passengers: Eat breakfast everyday completely, including high- protein food such as egg, cheese and pasteurized milk. Never ever omit breakfast from your diet, because, if nothing is eaten during breakfast, your blood pressure and efficiency will reduce considerably. Lack of consuming fruits, vegetables, salad, cereals, etc. in the course of travel will cause outbreak of some problems such as constipation. If fruit and vegetable are not used during travel, body necessary vitamins like “A”, “b” and “C” will reduce. Buy vegetables for eating and also vegetables for making salad yourself. After being ensured of their disinfection, then, you are allowed to eat them. Consumption of dairies such as milk may be reduced in travel which will incur irreparable loss to the health condition of people especially breastfeeding mothers and the elderly. Daily consumption of at least two cups of milks or pasteurized yogurt is highly recommended. Never ever use readymade foods such as sandwich, pizza, hamburger, snack, etc. as much as possible, because, these foods have usually been fried which contain various types of fatty sauces. For preparing readymade foods, oil may be heated for repeated times and/or oil may be used that is exposed to detrimental or oxidized temperature. However, consumption of these foods are not recommended. Try to consume and d rink dough (yogurt drink) during lunch and dinner instead of carbonated soft drinks. Avoid gluttony and overeating or overusing junk foods and snacks. Do not forget walking and motivation. It is observed that many passengers have gained weight while they have returned from travel. Let’s experience a pleasurable and enjoyable trip along with health with observing proper nutrition, hygienic and sanitary principles.

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Effect of Yogurt on Health of Intestine Effect of Yogurt on Health of Intestine

Effect of Yogurt on Health of Intestine Microbial combination of gastrointestinal tract and microbes entered to GI tract via food can have useful or harmful effects on health. Several evidences indicate that some bacteria are used for fermentation of dairy products such as yogurt and a number of specific and fruitful microbes of GI tract have powerful anti- pathogenic and anti- inflammatory effects. These microbes cause promotion of body resistance against various types of pathogenic microbes which can treat and prevent from outbreak of diseases as a result of growth and reproduction of these pathogenic microbes. “Probiotic” products include fruitful bacteria which stay in intestine after consumption and leave fruitful effects in human health. The term “probiotic”, which has a Latin terminology meant “life”. World Health Organization (WHO) defines this term to “Live Organisms”. If probiotic is used properly, it can leave “health” parameter for its host. As a matter of fact, probiotics are consumed in the following two forms: As food supplement in the form of powder, syrup or pill, As food enriched with probiotics, for example, if probiotic bacteria are used in production of any fermented dairy product such as yogurt, the product is called “probiotic”. Yogurt is a highly traditional consumed food which contains considerable amounts of probiotics. “Lactic Acid” is used for production of yogurt which causes fermentation of milk and conversion of lactose sugar to lactic acid. Development of application of probiotics has offered new approaches on their role in health and prevention of diseases in order to reduce microbial combination of gastrointestinal tract. Many studies have shown fruitful and therapeutic effects of probiotics in human intestine. Hereunder, the most important evidences will be discussed with relation to the consumption of yogurt and various types of “Lactic Acid” bacteria used for fermentation of milk and valuable therapeutic effects of them especially on the performance of gastrointestinal tract performance and prevention of diseases. Nutritional Value of Yogurt Combination of yogurt nutrients is the same combination of milk nutrients which has changed under the influence of type and duration of fermentation and type of used microbes partially Vitamins Group “B” Principally, process of fermentation will cause reduction of milk vitamins as compared with its mineral, because, vitamins are more susceptible than minerals in terms of environmental change. The most important factors which lead to reduction of vitamins include as follows: temperature and pasteurization, ultrafiltration, mixing and oxidative conditions. Moreover, type of microbial culture used for fermentation is effective for reduction of milk vitamins. Species of “Lactic Acid” bacteria need vitamins of Group “B” for growth and reproduction, the most important of which are vitamin “B12”. Some species of the bacteria are able to synthesize “B12”. Therefore, accurate selection of bacteria specifies used for fermentation can be considered as an important fact in line with prevention of considerable reduction of “B12”. Lactose Dairies are the most important source for providing lactose sugar. Before fermentation, the amount of lactose in milk is almost 5 percent. “Lactic Acid” bacteria turn lactose sugar into lactic acid. Therefore, acidity property of yogurt is more than milk. For this purpose, people who suffer from intolerance of lactose can tolerate yogurt better than milk. Protein Usually, amount of protein in factory- made yogurts is more than milk, because, some fat- free powdered milk is added to yogurt in production of yogurt for firmness (consistency). There is a common concept that yogurt protein is digested easier than milk, because, fermenting bacteria carry out the initial stages of digestion of protein. With increased time of preservation of yogurt, its protein can be digested better. During fermentation, both temperature and acid production is led milk casein to be congealed. Therefore, yogurt proteins enjoy high bio quality as compared with milk proteins. Fats Milk fats face change during fermentation. It is shown that concentration of linoleic acid in yogurt is more than that of milk. This fatty acid has stimulating property of body immune and anticancer system. In a new study conducted on breast and intestine cancer, effects of this fatty acid has been observed in reproduction of cancerous cells. Minerals Yogurt is a good source for calcium and phosphor. In other words, yogurt is rich in calcium and phosphor. As a matter of fact, yogurt, milk, cheese and other dairy products provide main part of requirement to calcium in our daily diet. Calcium and magnesium of yogurt is absorbed easier than milk due to its acidity. Therefore, yogurt is highly recommended to women in menopausal period who are at high risk of bone and osteoporosis disorders. Mechanisms Presented on Potential Advantages of Yogurt on Performance of Intestine Microbial Composition of Intestine Lactobacillus is one of the microbes existing in microbial composition of small- and large intestine. Ability of prevention of growth of pathogenic bacteria in intestine is one of the most important properties of lactobacillus. On the other hand, various species of “Lactic Acid” bacteria enjoys different ability for survival in gastrointestinal environment. Immunological Responses of Intestine Lymphoid tissue of mucus part of gastrointestinal tract is considered as the first defensive line against eaten pathogenic microbes. Studies have shown that “Lactic Acid” bacteria will lead to the promotion of immunological performance of lymphoid tissue of GI tract. Creation of low acidity, production of organic acids, carbon dioxide, peroxide hydrogen (as main killing factor of bacteria), ethanol, consumption of nutrients and competing for physical environment by these bacteria are of the effective factors in this respect. Also, studies have shown that edible consumption of “Lactic Acid” bacteria through consumption of yogurt will cause increase of secretion of immunoglobulin “A” and also increased number of its secreting cells in small intestine of mouse. It should be noted that immunoglobulin “A” has a basic and fundamental role in controlling pathogenic bacteria in intestine.

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Doogh (Yogurt Drink) Best Drink Doogh (Yogurt Drink) Best Drink

Doogh (Yogurt Drink) Best Drink History: “Doogh” is an objective adjective which is derived from the verb “milking”. Literally, the word “Doogh” is meant something which is milked. Doogh is of traditional and familiar drink in Iran. In Iran, Doogh was first considered as a byproduct of butter. For preparing Doogh, full- fat yogurt was first diluted with water and then, its fat was separated using a large leather bottle (goatskin) and the remaining was consumed as Doogh (yogurt drink). Nowadays, previous production trend of doogh has changed and is produced industrially based on technology. In addition, production method of doogh has been changed as a fermented milk drink. Doogh is a dairy drink which is obtained from mixing pasteurized yogurt, herbal essences and salt. This product has almost 50% of nutritional value of yogurt in an average. Since additives and preservatives are not used in production of yogurt, it has high nutritional value in terms of health of consumer. In this article, it is tried to speak more about this traditional drink that Iranians drink “doogh” along with food. Nutritional Value of Doogh “Doogh” is a suitable and proper dairy product which can be consumed instead of carbonated soft drink in our food basket. Doogh is a healthy and useful drink that can meet our major daily requirement to calcium and vitamins of Group “B”. Moreover having nutritional benefits, doogh (yogurt drink) includes useful and fruitful bacteria which has high effects on gastrointestinal (GI) health. Each liter of doogh includes 270 k/calorie energy, 1.5 to 2 percent protein, 0.5 percent fat and 0.6 percent gram calcium. Given the high nutritional value of doogh, rate of its calcium, phosphor and protein is very high and these materials are necessary for ossification, oxidation and internal metabolism of body. Of course, it is better drink gas- free doogh and with low amount of salt in it.  Since gasification of drinks (such as doogh) will give a better flavor, such issue will reduce its nutritional value. Therefore it is recommended to drink degasification doogh. Given the above issue, ordinary and regular doogh is prioritized to gasified doogh. Various types of gas- free and gasified Doogh is better to be kept in refrigerator for increasing quality and durability of doogh. Moreover adding salt, peppermint also is added to commercial and industrial Doogh (yogurt drink), because, peppermint has anti-flatulent property while the very Doogh is flatulent. For preparing Doogh, one can add field basil, dried and smashed petals of damask rose to it which will give an excellent flavor and taste to Doogh. Doogh (Yogurt Drink), the Best Drink for All Do you know water, milk, low- salt and gas- free Doogh and natural fruit juices are the best drinks for all especially schoolchildren? Nowadays, consumption of Doogh is recommended to all age brackets as a harmless and useful drink to all drinking liquids along with food is one of the common habits of people across the world. As a rite and ritual, people of every city and country show high tendency to specific drinks. In our country, drinks like water and Doogh were common from long time ago. In recent decades, carbonated soft drinks and Ma’ Shair (barley drink) were added to the number of other Iranian drinks. Of course, some people use such drinks without paying attention to their nutritional value because of their interest. A glance at nutritional value of such detrimental drinks such as carbonated soft drink, people can have a better choice of drinking. In our country, water has still stood at first rank as most popular drink among other drinks. Since taste of human is varied, he or she likes to taste other drinks and for this purpose, people have resort drinking others. Doogh (yogurt drink) is one of traditional Iranian drinks which is considered as the most hygienic and healthy drink after water and milk. Industrial and commercial Doogh usually has a partial amount of salt and this salt is detrimental for those diagnosed with high blood pressure (hypertension) or kidney or heart failures. Although it is decided to remove salt from commercial Doogh, people and elderly are better to consume household and handmade Doogh instead of commercial Doogh. Moreover its nutritional benefit, Doogh includes useful bacteria that have constructive and fruitful effects on health of gastrointestinal (GI) tract. If Doogh is consumed repeatedly, its useful bacteria of streptococcus, thermophiles and lactobacillus bulgur’s will nestle in your gastrointestinal tract (GI) and will have very useful effects on health of your GI tract. Also, consumption of Doogh will cause lack of growth of detrimental organisms. It is recommended to consume Doogh and milk when air is polluted. These foods [milk and Doogh] neutralize poisons and toxics due to high phosphor, magnesium and calcium they have. Air pollution affects on body tissues, respiratory and cardiovascular system considerably. Why Should Doogh Be Consumed Instead of Carbonated Soft Drink? Carbonated soft drink is one of the most popular drinks in world in a way that its consumption is increased day by day. Even, children use high amount of carbonated soft drink. Given the above issue, youth and young adults in particular show high tendency to use this detrimental drink. Here, a question may hit in your mind. Have you ever asked yourself that how much this detrimental drink i.e. carbonated soft drink is useful for you? What is the effect of carbonated soft drink on your body which has high sugar amount and calorie and also caffeine without any nutritional value in it? Relationship between Carbonated Soft Drink and Obesity [Overweight] Recent studies indicate direct effect of carbonated soft drink on increasing percentage of obesity among children. However, carbonated soft drink has direct effect on oversight and obesity of children. A two-year study in this regard showed that children, aged 12 years who use carbonated soft drink, are at high risk of obesity and overweight 1.6 fold more than that of those who do not use carbonated soft drink. Relationship between Carbonated Soft Drink and Teeth It can be said that people, who use carbonated soft drink (beverage) repeatedly, consume seven teaspoons of sugar daily which is detrimental for body health and teeth. This amount of sugar has high calorie which is harmful for health of teeth. Relationship between Carbonated Soft Drink and Bones Phosphoric acid is one of the main components of carbonated soft drink which is the main cause behind increased discharge or repletion of calcium from bones. Use of carbonated soft drink will increase outbreak of osteoporosis considerably. Recent studies on young girls showed that more consumption of this fizzy drink can exposed them to bone fracture as well. Consumption of even one or two bottles of carbonated soft drinks in a day in risky especially in adolescence. Statistics show that consumption of milk and dairies is reduced with considerable increase in consumption of carbonated soft drink.  Generally speaking, carbonated soft drink can jeopardize your health condition considerably and it is recommended not to use it anymore in order to have a better health condition. Benefits and Advantages of Main Material for Producing Doogh: Yogurt As a result of fermentation of bacteria, milk is turned into yogurt. Except small and negligible differences, milk and yogurt have vitamin compound and minerals similar to each other. Although compound of minerals of milk and yogurt is similar, some minerals such as calcium in yogurt are high. Usually, yogurt has less lactose and more lactic acid than milk and for this reason, people who lack toleration of lactose and cannot use milk, it is recommended to use yogurt instead. In general, one cup of low- fat yogurt (254 gram) includes 155 kg/calorie energy, 13-gr. protein and 12-gr. carbohydrate and also 8.3-gr. fat. Of course, yogurt’s fat rate depends on milk. Yogurt is an excellent source of food which is rich in calcium (447 mg) and riboflavin and also is rich in magnesium (43 mg) and potassium (573 mg). Each cup of yogurt provides half of calcium rate as recommended for children and also 30- 40 percent of calcium as recommended for adults. Each cup of yogurt provides 20 percent of protein required by many people. Several studies have been conducted on the therapeutic and preventive effects of yogurt and the bacteria used in production of yogurt on the diseases such as cancer, infections and GI disorders.  It is believed that consumption of yogurt especially among individuals suffering from body immune system’s disorder (such as adults and adolescents) can help increase their response to relevant diseases. In general, yogurt is highly recommended to be used by people suffering from physical disorders. Yogurt helps increase health of large intestine. Yogurt includes lacto bacteria which can preserve and protect large intestine. Even, yogurt reduces cancer risk of large intestine. These bacteria help intestine’s useful bacteria to grow and cause reduction of conversion of bile into carcinogens. It seems that these bacteria in yogurt can inactive detrimental materials before being carcinogen (such as nitrates and nitrites before turning them into nitrosamine). On the other hand, yogurt like milk is rich in calcium. Calcium is a mineral that causes health of large intestine and reduces risk of cancer. Calcium is bonded with bile acids which cause cancer and prevents stimulation of large intestine by these materials. Fermentation of yogurt increases absorption of calcium and vitamins “B”. Lactic acid in yogurt helps better digestion of milk’s calcium and also helps its easier absorption. Therefore, fermentation of milk may have effects on accessibility of minerals. It is shown that calcium and phosphor in yogurt is absorbed better than that of milk. Calcium improves body immune system, that is to say that calcium increases activity of lymphocytes and production of interleukin. Yogurt helps improve intestinal infections. Yogurt is a good food for diarrhea. Many pediatricians recommend yogurt for children who suffer from malnutrition. Studies show that children with diarrhea are treated and healed rapidly when they eat yogurt. Eating low- salt yogurt and Doogh along with consumption of antibiotics are useful. Yogurt minimizes ill antibiotic effects on intestine’s useful bacteria. Low- fat yogurt can reduce cholesterol and this is due to the absorption of cholesterol by live bacteria in yogurt. Generally speaking, low- salt and gas- free Doogh and yogurt are highly recommended to children for their better growth.

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Gelatin and Its Nutritional Properties Gelatin and Its Nutritional Properties

Gelatin and Its Nutritional Properties Gelatin Gelatin is an edible protein which is mainly obtained by processing collagen which is the main constituent of skin, tendons, bone, etc. vertebrates. Skin and bone of animals like cow and/or fish is boiled in water and a solution is extracted from it by acid which will last for some days. Then, gelatin is obtained with processing this solution and drying it. It should be noted that gelatin is a solid, crispy, fragile and transparent substance which is in yellow color ranging from light to white yellow. Gelatin is odorless and tasteless, having 84 – 90 percent protein, 1 – 2 percent of mineral salts, and 8 – 15 percent water. Gelatin also lacks sugar, fat and additives. Gelatin is a food which is melted in temperature of body and refreshes a scent to mouth and is highly consumed in food industries, such as production of pastel and jelly products. Also, gelatin has adhesive properties, crystallization, formidability, emulsifier, etc. which is vastly used in food industry such as icy products, marshmallow, conserve meats, powdered soups, toffees, ice creams, etc. Proteins have been comprised of amino acids. Amino acids are classified into two necessary and unnecessary groups. Necessary amino acid is called to the amino acid which is provided through food diet and body is not able to make it. Proteins are comprised of 20 amino acids and nine of which are necessary amino acids while the rest are unnecessary amino acids. As a protein, gelatin has 84 to 90 percent protein and has 18 amino acids. The value of amino acids of glycine, praline, and hydroxyl praline is 23, 14 and 11 percent respectively. Each of the said amino acids includes unnecessary amino acids. Glycine In structural terms, glycine is the smallest amino acid which is considered as main source of nitrogen for making amino acids. In synthesis of biomolecules such as hemoglobin, keratin, bile salts, and hereditary molecules are used at the time of hungry. Glycine plays an important role in detoxification of chemicals such as food additives and drugs at liver. Glycine will cause increased s abdominal secretions and plays an important role in gastrointestinal tract diseases. Glycine interferes in healing wounds. In combination with arginine amino acid, glycine makes keratin which is a necessary material for provision of energy of muscle and healing of wounds. Glycine is required for making hemoglobin which is transferor of respiratory gases in body. Glycine causes increased secretions of stomach and plays an important therapeutic role in gastrointestinal tract. Studies show that deficiency of glycine in pregnant mothers can restrict children’s growth after birth, because, fetus growth needs to glycine is high. Praline and Hydroxyl Praline Praline amino acid is one of unnecessary amino acids but is some studies; it is observed that if praline is omitted from food diet, its value will decrease in blood. For this purpose, it is considered as necessary amino acid but its deficiency is rarely observed. It is proven that praline amino acid softens skin and prevents skin from wrinkling. Also, it is said that this amino acid along with vitamin “C” and lysine amino acid prevent vessels from obstructing. Gelatin and Bone Osteoporosis and inflammation of joints (arthritis) are two common bone-related diseases which different drugs and hormones such as crotons, estrogen, base phosphatases, and calcitonin, fluoride and par hormone derivatives are used for treatment of the diseases. Also, exercise, calcium supplement and vitamin “D” are used for treating the disease. In recent decades, nutritional supplements such as glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate have been used for eradication of symptoms of these diseases. Clinical studies have proposed that collagen can be fruitful for treatment of the disease due to having a large value of amino acid. This effect is highly observed on femur bone. In other studies, it has been shown that injection of gelatin enhances calcium existing in blood circulation which indicates that bone is on the verge of construction. It should be noted that gelatin affects treatment of musculoskeletal system positively. Gelatin and Treatment of Wounds Chronic wounds like gangrene (diabetes wounds), infection, untreated wounds, etc. are of the complications of diabetes disease. In recent years, various research activities have been done in treatment of the complication but treatment has limited due to intolerable reactions and poisoning of diabetics. Due to having amino acids and unique peptides, gelatin can be effective with reduction of inflammatory responses and adjustment of body immune system in treatment of diabetes wounds. Also, gelatin is an anti- bleeding material which activates coagulated routes with getting contact to the damaged blood cells. Gelatin and Nail and Hair With age increase, nails, and hairs turn fragile and crack. With having a large amount of glycine amino acid, gelatin helps hair and mail to grow. It should be noted that glycine amino acid is an important amino acid which is important for making keratin available in hair and nail. Gelatin and Gastrointestinal (GI) Tract As a pyogenic material, gelatin enhances and increases flow of abdominal fluid and helps improve digestion and absorption it should be noted that pyogenic material is a protein which is digested in stomach and is turned into small pieces like peptide. Gelatin covers internal membrane of gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Also, it is claimed that gelatin reduces intestinal inflammation of patients suffering from irritable intestinal syndrome. Gelatin and Liver Recent studies have shown that glycine amino acid in liver is used for detoxification of drugs and warding off hormones and bilious (bile) acids. General speaking, gelatin can help improve performance of liver due to having high amount of glycine. Other Effects of Gelatin In animal and human laboratory studies, it is shown that gelatin may provide necessary amino acids for making cartilage (main material for making skin). Also, gelatin can reconstruct damaged skin. Gelatin is absorbed rapidly and provides necessary amino acid for metabolism. In addition, gelatin has other effects on health.

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A Glance at Milk from Quran Point of View A Glance at Milk from Quran Point of View

A Glance at Milk from Quran Point of View Using animal milk dates back to prehistory area and also the time when animal domesticated by human. In Holy Book, milk is manifestation of cleanness, freshness, truth and life- giving and revitalizing symbol. Both milk and honey is manifestation of fertility and frequency of bleedings. “Milk” in Holy Quran: وَإِنَّ لَكُمْ فِي الْأَنْعَامِ لَعِبْرَةً نُسْقِيكُم مِمَّا فِي بُطُونِهِ مِن بَيْنِ فَرْثٍ وَدَمٍ لَّبَناً خَالِصاً سَائِغاً لِلشَّارِبِينَ “There are good lessons for you when you think to the existence and nature of animals. We offer you to drink pure and fresh milk of animals from their stomachs and from among myriads of digested foods.” (Makarem Shirazi, 1992) In this verse, the Holy Quran has said: “Milk is produced from the food digested in body. The digested food is turned into blood and then, milk is created from blood, which has neither blood color nor taste and flavor of blood. This act i.e. turning blood to milk has been accepted by all researchers and also they have confirmed it unanimously.” Also, the Almighty God considers “milk” as a heavenly drink of paradise: «مَثَلُ الْجَنَّةِ الَّتِي وُعِدَ الْمُتَّقُونَ فِيهَا أَنْهَارٌ مِنْ ماءٍ غَيْرِ آسِنٍ وَأَنْهارٌ مِنْ لَبَنٍ لَمْ يَتَغَيَّرْ طَعْمُهُ…» (محمد/15) All believers and pious have been promised to drink milk in gutters and brooks of paradise with transparent water without any taste change. There is a narration in interpretation of Al-Mizan: “When grass is entered stomach of animal, its bottom part is called “surging”, its middle part is called “milk” and its upper part is called “blood”. Blood is run in vessels, vascular, and milk at breast and surging remain in stomach. Therefore, milk comes to breast purely and is not mixed with any material.” Some main elements of milk, which transform milk, are not of milk properties; rather, their origin is due to contents of intestine. Stating that food is turned into blood and blood is turned into milk, is a simple common subject. From scientific point of view, it should be said that milk is a blood product which has absorbed elements and materials from contents of tripe (paunch) Milk in Traditions and Narrations The Holy Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad (S) said: “Drinking milk is manifestation of belief and credence. Milk is bestowed to you. Milk removes temperature from your body. As your finger wards off sweat and perspiration from forehead, drinking g milk will enhance power of thinking and varnish your genius and talent and removes amnesia and oblivion.” The Holy Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad said: “The Almighty God did not send any pain and agony, unless, a treatment method has also been sent. Milk of cow can treat any pain and ache.” Elsewhere in his remarks, the Holy Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad said: “Cow milk has been bestowed to you. Milk of cow heals any pain and ache.” Imam Ali (AS) said: “Drinking milk can heal any pain except death.” Elsewhere in his remarks, Imam Ali (AS) said: “Cow milk heals and acts as a medicine and drug.” Imam Sadiq (AS) said: “Cow milk is haler of any diseases.” A person came with Imam Sadiq (AS) and said: “O’ my dear Imam, I feel weakness in my body.” At this time, Imam said to him: “I recommend you to drink milk, because, milk helps meat to grow and strengthen bone.” Also, the Imam said: “I searched nothing except milk for healing sore throat.” Drinking milk does not incur any harm to human body. If any harm is observed, it is due to other things that are eaten along with milk.one person came to Imam Sadiq and said: “When I drank milk, I felt fainted and became ill.” In response to his question, Imam Sadiq said: “Milk does not hurt you. Certainly, you have drunk milk with other thing and this food has made you ill. In general, drinking milk is harmless.” Breast Milk / Mother’s Milk Breast milk in feeding infant constitutes important part of natural life of woman. An infant who is feeding milk in mother’s hug, newly born baby looks at mother’s face directly and compassionate and affable looks of mother has engulfed infant. Avicenna in his famous “Qanoon” Book pointed to the significance of mother’s milk and said: “Mother’s milk is better than any other milk for infant, because, mother’s milk is rich in a substance named “immunoglobulin” which is useful for diarrhea and vomiting (nausea).” In early August 1990, World Health Organization (WHO) in cooperation with UNICEF signed a statement in continuation of disseminating and supporting feeding with breast milk. Duration of Breastfeeding The Holy Book considered breastfeeding for a period of two years. Some physicians were of the opinion that this period should be set nine months, but in 1993, it was announced that of breastfeeding is set two years, it is better and complete. Breastfeeding Duration Based on Verses of Holy Quran Based on Verse 233 of Baqara Surah, it should be noted that feeding infant for two years is not compulsory. That is to say that completion of breastfeeding can be decided at the will of mother. Child can be separated from breastfeeding at any time desired.” Some commentator such as Ibn-e Abbas is of the opinion that breastfeeding for two years is not fixed for any newly born baby. This time i.e. two years is related to a child who is born in his or her six-month period i.e. earlier than the set 9-month period. Allameh Tabatabaei (1987) concluded from merging two verses of Holy Quran and said: “Six months is set the minimum delivery period. With deducing two- year period from thirty months, minimum pregnancy period is set six months and maximum breastfeeding, according to jurisprudent verdict, is set 24 months.” “If a child remained in mother’s womb in seven, eight or nine months  the minimum breastfeeding after childbirth stands at 23, 22 and 21 months respectively.” Imam Sadiq (AS) said: “The compulsory period for breastfeeding is 21 months. So, if women fed child less than the said period, she has failed in performing religious obligation. Feeding child for two years is suitable and logical.” (Hor Ameli, 1995, Vo. 21)

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Five Anti- Fatigue Foods Five Anti- Fatigue Foods

Five Anti- Fatigue Foods If you feel faint, lethargy, fatigue and tiresome after eating, it is due to eating improper foods. It is recommended to eat the foods which can release energy gradually. Avoid eating foods with high sugar. You can fight with fatigue with each morsel of food you eat. These five foods are useful due to their easy digestion which is rich in nutrients. Crushed wheat or barley Crushed barley is superiority to any other cereals in breakfast. Crushed barley is among bran cereals I breakfast and is considered as an excellent foodstuff in line with supporting health of gastrointestinal system. Due to the said reason, not only many internal practitioners and nutritionists recommend patients surfing from diabetes to eat crushed barley, but also they encourage patients to eat crushed barley. It should be noted that crushed barley helps safeguard natural blood sugar level. Fiber is useful in gastrointestinal tract. Moreover high fiber, oats includes three types of important food nourishment of magnesium, protein and phosphor that affects on energy level and is considered as an ideal food to tackle fatigue and also is a good source of vitamin “B1”. In general, fiber is very important in production of energy for body. Symptoms of partial deficiency of vitamin “B1” include as follows: lack of energy and losing appetite. In addition, vitamin “B1” helps conserve analyzed energy and also helps food generate energy at the time of eating. When to eat? You can eat crushed barley at breakfast in order to obtain more energy, because, it will cause preservation of energy. Added Value For prolongation of energy period, pour cotton seed or nuts rich in vitamins (hazelnut, walnut and pistachio) on food containing crushed barley. Yogurt Yogurt can be used in the form of desserts as a healthy food. As a matter of fact, this food can be effective for health due to the role protein and probiotics (useful bacteria) play in health of intestine. Procedure of Performance Since yogurt is soft, body carries out this food processing rapidly with regard to solid and hard food and it will turn it into a giant source of energy. This period can be lasted longer due to the ratio of protein to carbohydrates. Also, yogurt enjoys probiotics (useful bacteria). Probiotics, like fiber, help digestion of food effectively. When to eat yogurt? Certainly, you can eat this food at any time desired. Moreover health benefits, yogurt is one of the best multipurpose material. That is to say that you can eat yogurt before doing physical exercises as a readymade food and/or supper. On the other hand, you can add other materials such as oats, milled cotton seed, nuts (walnut, hazelnut and pistachio) to yogurt at breakfast. Added Value Eat yogurt at least trice a week (three times a week) which can help food digest well. In you select low- and regular- fat yogurt, add other useful materials to it and enjoy eating. You can also add raisins for sweetening this light food as well. Spinach Spinach is rich in nutrients which is necessary to tackle fatigue and tiresome. Spinach will enhance performance of body. Moreover containing iron, spinach is rich in vitamins such as magnesium and potassium and is a good food source of vitamins of Group “B”. Procedure of Performance Iron plays an important and direct role in removal of fatigue and tiresome and is known as booster of energy. Magnesium is necessary for generation of energy, accurate and easy digestion of food, regulating tonicity (muscular contraction) and nervous system. It should be noted that magnesium deficiency can cause low performance of brain and body. Like magnesium, potassium helps accurate performance of muscles and nerves. High physical pressure is one of the main reasons of potassium deficiency. Weakness, faintness of muscles, dizziness and fatigue are symptoms of failure of potassium. When to eat spinach? Given the complex of nutrients in green- leaf vegetables, it is better to consume spinach in daily diet. Try to consume steamed spinach with egg at breakfast. There is no need to set aside a portion of spinach beside your meals, rather, you can add spinach to foods such as soups, steamed foods, sauces, frying and soft foods. Added Value Cook puree of spinach slowly. If more logical is adopted, all family members will get a healthy body in a very short period. Nuts and seeds and nutrient food include high- quality protein and also healthy omega- 3 fats. Depending on type of selection, you can receive proper amounts of magnesium, manganese, phosphor, iron and vitamins “B2”, “B1” and “B6”. Procedure of Performance Seed of bell pepper, almond and hazelnut are good sources of magnesium which help improve fatigue and tiresome. Tryptophan available in seeds of sesame, sunflower, walnut and almond are effective to tackle with fatigue. All nuts and seeds are rich in proteins which can cause body regain lost energy. Existence of rich resources of fatty acids (omega -3) in nuts and seeds is effective in removal of fatigue. Omega- 3 is known as necessary fats for body. No only Omega- 3 reduces glycaemia index of foods, but also it acts like an extraordinary energy source. When to eat dried nuts and kernels of fruits? Dried nuts and kernels and seeds of fruits can be eaten in the long run of a day. A fist of nuts is enough to be eaten during a day. You can use it everywhere, carrying nuts in purse, handbag and/or put them in car in order to eat. Added Value Buy and eat dried nuts and also raw seeds as much as possible.

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آدرس:  تهران بلوار آفریقا، تقاطع ظفر، ساختمان کساء، شماره 93، طبقه 5، واحد11